Monday, 15 February 2010

Honda - Desk Sign

Was approached by a local sign company to come up with a new design for the service and reception desk within the Honda showrooms, below is the result, it had to be easy to manufacture, easy to post to site and be able to be assembled by on-site staff.

It's starting to pick up!!!

For the past year, work has been slow, but we seem to have put that behind us now. With plenty of contacts and promises of work it seems that 2010 has started how we hope the rest of the year will continue.

Spent some time last week with a few old contacts, and have already been able to help them with their business, and looking forward to more work.

Seems like websites are on the menu, with quite a few enquiries for new sites to be designed. Looks like people want to get noticed.

Thanks for the support!!